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Seed Round including Pre-Seed or Post-Seed

The earliest round of outside fundraising is typically backed by Angel investors or Seed-focused institutions (some VCs play in this space). The company is generally not generating much revenue. It is in the process of developing their product or just having released an MVP (Minimal Viable Product), Beta version, or a first version. Round sizes range between $1M–$4M, though larger seed rounds have become more common in recent years. A seed round typically comes after an angel round (if applicable) and before a company’s Series A round. A Pre-Seed round is a pre-institutional seed round with no institutional investors or is a very low amount. The size is often between $50K-$1M and can be a series of rounds depending on the startup’s traction. A Post-Seed is a round that extends the Seed round, usually, because the company has not yet reached a Series-A maturity, often referred to as a Product-Market-Fit (PMF)

The earliest round of outside fundraising is typically backed by Angel investors or Seed-focused institutions (some VCs play in this space). The company is generally not generating much revenue. It is in the process of developing their product or just having released an MVP (Minimal Viable Product), Beta version, or a first version. Round sizes range between $1M–$4M, though larger seed rounds have become more common in recent years. A seed round typically comes after an angel round (if applicable) and before a company’s Series A round. A Pre-Seed round is a pre-institutional seed round with no institutional investors or is a very low amount. The size is often between $50K-$1M and can be a series of rounds depending on the startup’s traction. A Post-Seed is a round that extends the Seed round, usually, because the company has not yet reached a Series-A maturity, often referred to as a Product-Market-Fit (PMF)